Plans to fit any size team.

Personal account
Unlimited public repositories
Unlimited collaborators
Sign up for free
per repository / month
Organization account
Unlimited public repositories
Unlimited team members
Priority support
Start trial today
per user / month
Codecov On-Premise
Unlimited repositories
Start trial today

* Sold in packs, see below. ** Sold in packs of 10. Billed yearly.

Repository Packs

Private Repositories Monthly
1 Free
10 $25
20 $50
50 $100
125 $200
300 $450
Frequently Asked Questions

Can I trial Codecov before subscribing to a plan?

Yes. Each account begins with a free private repository credit which you can use to try the product. New subscriptions begin with a 14 day trial. Cancel anytime with no obligation. 100% money-back guarantee.

Can I transfer credits to another account?

Unfortunately not. Each user account and team account must have their own plan.

Are there discounts for education or research teams?

Absolutely! We love and support education and research teams. Please tell us more about what you are working on and we can design a special plan to fit your needs. Contact us at

Is there an on-premise (enterprise) solution of Codecov?

Yes there is! Thanks for asking. Click here to learn more .

Does Codecov support multiple languages in a single repository?

Like a pro! We combine the uploads from multiple languages into a single report while maintaining the original data for each specific language.

How does Codecov interact with my source code?

Codecov does not store source code. Codecov will only retrieve source code from your repository for two functions: upon user request and for static analysis. Read more in our Security Docs .

Does Codecov replace my CI provider?

No, Codecov does not "test" your code, that's the job of the CI provider. Codecov does static anaylsis on your repository once your tests are complete and coverage reports are uploaded.

How does Codecov combine matrix builds and multiple CI providers?

Effortlessly. Codecov merges builds into a single report while maintaining the original source of the coverage data. Send as many uploads from different CI providers and languages to Codecov. Plug-and-Play! See a fine example here pyca/cryptography .
